Budgeting Tips For Tradies

Budgeting Tips For Tradies

As tempting as it is, you can’t avoid budgeting for your business. For your tradie business, it’s important to have a budget in place so you know exactly where you are with your cash flow and expenses.

To get ya goin’ here’s our simple tips to help with your business budgeting:

  1. Refine your business plan - You can’t execute your budget if you don’t know where your business is heading or where it’s at. Makes sense right? Your business plan financially represents your business.
  2. Keep records of where your money goes - The best way to start is to write down all of your expenses, it’s scary but it will make life a lot more simple for ya.
  3. Set some savings goals - To start aim to put away 5% of your earnings, no matter how small. Put it into a bank account that you can’t easily access, you’ll thank yourself in the future. And no it’s not an emergency beer fund. Set realistic goals and don’t try to go too hard too soon.
  4. Use automatic bank transfers - Set up automatic transfers on your online banking account, you want your repayments to be taken out as soon as you’re paid.
You don't have to wait until you're in debt to access support, tips and great advice. Check out these links for a starting point.

Barefoot Investor 
Australian Taxation Office (ATO) guide to Supporting your small business
Financial Counselling Australia 
National Debt Helpline